Animating Text in a Widget By Whitaker

Hello, and welcome back to another wonderful post on PARTY PANIC!!!
I have been working on making a mini game selection wheel animation and decided to add some text to the animation so that it looks like it is speeding through the cycle of mini game titles. This part was easy enough, however, I wanted the final, selected minigame, text to appear to be "bouncing." I wanted to get this effect by decreasing and increasing the font size back and forth over time. I figured this could be done easy enough using the animations window in Blueprint. However, as you can see from my image; there is no such option to set the font size as a key frame! 

So, I decided to write the code myself. On the next image you can see I created a simple if check that determines if the font size is above or below preset thresholds. Each frame I add a certain modifier to the font size. Once the size breaks one of those thresholds, too big or too small, I multiply the modifier by -1 so that it now reverses the direction of the growth/shrinking. Very simple system in place for some awesome results!

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