Animating A Mesh Without a Skeleton by Whitaker

Hitting you guys with a double post today!
So, I was working on setting up a spring board tile that would launch the player back to the start of the board. The logic was very simple. If player lands on spring tile. delay animation delay set new location start...etc. Easy! However, animating the spring turned into another challenge all together. I originally was animating it in blender., however, it would not transfer over to unreal properly. That was because I could not(easily) attach a rig to the spring since it was a hollow cylinder. 

I Ended up also writing my own logic to "animate" the spring. I used a combination of timelines and setting the actor scaled to give the illusion of the spring bouncing up and down. When really, it's just changing the spring's z scale to go up and down! This was such and easy timeline to set up yet looked so convincing! In the future I hop to learn more about transferring animations. That was I can do it correctly the next time. Hope this helps anyone that is struggling with "animating" a mesh!

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