Devlog: A Week of Triumphs and Trials

Hey Party Panic! fans,

Chris here.

We've had quite an exhilarating week here, with a healthy mix of progress and, well, panic. So, we thought it's time for another devlog to share the latest updates, improvements, and challenges we faced.

The Good Stuff

  1. Smooth Player Movement: We rebuilt the entire main system that controls player movement on the board. Now, players can effortlessly glide through spaces until they reach their destination, thanks to this overhaul.
  2. Visual Upgrades: We've significantly improved the visuals on the board, making the game more eye-catching and enjoyable.
  3. Post-Minigame Positioning: After a round of mini-games, players now return to their correct positions on the board, ensuring a seamless gaming experience.
  4. Sound Effects: We've added sound effects to nearly every aspect of the game, creating a more immersive experience for our players.

The Challenges

Despite our progress, we also encountered a major bug this week. Our placeholder minigame, which functioned perfectly during testing in the Unreal Engine editor, broke as soon as we packaged the build. The minigame behaved entirely differently, leaving us baffled and frustrated.

After spending countless hours troubleshooting with no success, we decided to pivot. We had another minigame in development that was almost ready, so we decided to use that one instead. Of course, by "almost ready," we mean hours of work away.

So, the race was on! We had to finish the new minigame, debug issues caused by the tight deadline, and test it thoroughly. Thankfully, our brilliant team member Whitaker stepped up and delivered under pressure. We managed to complete the minigame on time, package the game, and get the installer up and running.

Wrapping Up

Overall, it's been a roller coaster of a week for the Party Panic! development team. We've made some significant strides, faced unexpected challenges, and learned valuable lessons. As always, we appreciate your support and look forward to sharing more updates in the future.

Until next time, keep the party going!


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