Party Panic! Devlog: Halfway Point, New Minigame, and Upcoming Improvements

Hey Party Panic! fans,

Chris here!

We're at the end of the second month of development, with just two months to go! We've reached the halfway point, and the pressure is on to create more minigames while polishing the systems we already have in place.

Goodbye Snake, Hello Boom Boxes

Unfortunately, the snake minigame didn't work out, so I pushed it back and created a new one called Boom Boxes. In Boom Boxes, each player selects a box one at a time, with one box always exploding. If you blow up, you're out! The last player standing wins.

During the development of Boom Boxes, I learned not to move pawns using behavior tree tasks – it may seem like a good idea at first, but it caused me a headache. Instead, it's better to create an event in the AI controller and call that to move the pawn.

Timeline Issues in UE5.1

I've been experiencing issues with animating player movement in UE5.1 using timelines. There seems to be a problem when using a second timeline in the same blueprint, causing it to not run as intended. While the first timeline runs fine, the second one behaves differently. I plan to address and fix these issues in Boom Boxes and on the main board.

Upcoming Improvements: Doors and Keys

Next, I'll be returning to the main board to focus on adding doors that block off parts of the game board. These doors will be unlocked using keys that players collect throughout the game. The exit to the board will also be guarded by a door, and players will need to gather enough keys to unlock it. Once unlocked, the player can proceed to the exit and win the game.

Stay tuned for more updates on Party Panic! and the progress I make in the coming weeks. Thank you for your continued support!

Keep the party going!

Chris, Party Panic! Developer

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