Let's Talk: Future of the game's win condition

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This week we cracked down and decided on a win condition for Party Panic!. Previously, we had the player with the highest amount of gems win the game after 5 rounds. Simple enough, but this quickly became stale and we needed to change things up.

Introducing: Treasures! (picture attached)

Treasures are the newest glowy, shiny, important items that spawn on one tile at a time. Players will be able to walk over the glowing tiles to collect them.

We decided it would be best if these Treasures were worth 50 (an arbitrary number) of points, while gems are worth 1 point. This way, if two players have the same amount of Treasures, then Gems count for the tie breaker. Mechanically, these will behave in a similar fashion as the Keys we previously had, but it allows us to add a little bit more of a pizazz both visually and design wise. Moreover, they won't be opening any doors, gates, or secret paths. While it was originally in our plans, the game sort of grew without these goals in mind and grew in the opposite direction, so they were not needed anymore.

We've also decided to add a "vendor" to the Treasure tile. An npc to interact with that will ask you the question "Do you want to purchase this Treasure?" (Has anybody ever said no to this question?). We wanted to implement this because we thought it a good idea to have a bit more interaction between the player and the board. As it stands right now, there's more content to be had in minigames, and we wanted the minigames to adorn the board, not the other way around. So we need to step it up and give more interactions to the board to keep it the center-piece of the game.

Thanks for tuning in, check in next week for more updates!

- Marcos "El Macho" Camacho

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